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Travel e-commerce portal Ksher plans more fundraising this year after recent round

2020/4/3 12:39:23
Cross-border e-payment solution provider Ksher has recently raised tens of millions of dollars in its A+ round of financing. MindWorks Ventures was the lead investor, and strategic shareholders in Japan and Malaysia also participated. Mumian Capital was the exclusive financial advisor.

Established in 2016, Ksher positions itself as a global mobile payment service platform, providing cross-border payment services for travelers in the start-up phase and then progressing to financial and marketing technology solutions for global merchants.

Ksher raised its angel round funding from investor Yongqiang Qian in 2016 and the pre-A round from Japan’s Infinity Ventures Partners in 2017. In 2018, it secured tens of millions of dollars from Sequoia in its A round of financing for global expansion.

Ksher has been cooperating with financial institutions to provide an expanding range of localized services, among them are Rakuten Bank of Japan, Mashrach Bank of the UAE and Ribank of Russia. Separately, Ksher and Thailand Immigration Bureau have jointly established a visa-on-arrival operating system for Chinese tourists. The company has also worked with the Thai Ministry of Interior to collaborate with OTOP merchants on payment and market technology. OTOP is a local entrepreneurship promotion program designed to support unique locally made and marketed products from various districts in Thailand.

Ksher has successfully linked with a number of popular overseas wallets such as PromptPay, TrueMoney, LINE Pay, AirPay, GrabPay in the past year.

Since 2016, Ksher has expanded from its stronghold in Thailand to 13 countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, the UAE, Canada and the UK. It has serviced more than 100,000 merchants and the annual turnover has increased from USD 1 million to USD 1 billion, growing at an annual rate of 200% to 300%.

Ksher currently has 130 employees, half of its team is based in overseas offices in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Japan, with a local service team in each overseas market the company services. The company plans to start its B round of financing this year.


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- 【上海虹桥机场(1号航站楼)】距离酒店约22.85公里,乘出租车约30分钟可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 【上海虹桥机场(2号航站楼)】距离酒店约21.21公里,乘出租车约25分钟可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 【上海火车站】距离酒店约33.99公里,乘地铁1号线至徐家汇站,转9号线至佘山站,再乘出租车起步价可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 【上海火车南站】距离酒店约25.21公里,乘地铁3号线至宜山路,转9号线至佘山站下,再乘出租车起步价可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 【虹桥火车站】距离酒店约22.72公里,乘出租车约25分钟可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 市区或虹桥机场上延安高架往湖州方向直行即G50沪渝高速公路直行至赵巷出口下左转至嘉松南路直行,到林荫新路右转,直行即可至酒店;
- 浦东机场上外环线至莘庄 转G60沪昆高速至松江新城/大学城出口下直行沿嘉松南路直行向北行驶至林荫新路左转,直行即可至酒店;
- 乘坐九号线的客人可于洞泾站下车,出租车起步费即达;
- 松江大学城
- 距离酒店10公里,乘出租车约15分钟可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 距离青浦奥特莱斯9.61公里,乘出租车约10分钟可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 距离徐家汇商业圈25公里,乘地铁9号线至佘山站下,再乘出租车起步价可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 距离欢乐谷1公里,步行约12分钟;
- 距离东佘山2.5公里,乘出租车起步价可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 距离西佘山3.17公里,乘出租车起步价可到酒店。(嘉松南路
- 距离人民广场33.32公里,乘地铁1号线至徐家汇,转9号线至佘山站下,再乘出租车起步价可到酒店。(嘉松南路
-林荫新路); 【酒店周边】 徐家汇商业圈 25公里 乘坐地铁9号线至洞经站下,可乘坐免费松江旅游班车(班车由度假区管委会负责运营)或出租车(起步价)即达酒店; 距离虹桥枢纽(虹桥机场2号航站楼、高铁等)仅23公里,约25分钟; 距离欢乐谷3公里,可乘坐免费松江旅游班车或步行15分钟即达酒店; 距离东佘山3公里,可乘坐免费松江旅游班车或步行15分钟即达酒店; 距离西佘山4公里,可乘坐免费松江旅游班车或步行20分钟即达酒店。

酒店地址: 上海市 · 上海 · 松江区 · 佘山国家旅游度假区林荫新路1288号


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